My excuse? Well, things are a little busy over here. My youngest has been teething... and teething...and teething... and now she's sick. My eldest started her first year of school (also how my youngest got sick) and celebrated her 4th birthday. Also, I'm organizing my first ever mom2mom sale, preparing for a big Mompreneur event in November and I'm also sick. So, am I forgiven?
I have some exciting news to share though. I finished one of my patterns. It's for these little guys... Aren't they cute?
They are even cute unstuffed.
See?? I LOVE these guys and my testers have had nothing but good things to say about them.
This pattern is now available on my Etsy for an introductory price of $6! It includes all 5 types of bugs plus different variations on the pattern to make them into different items like stuffed toys, hot/cold packs, flat bugs... bean bags and more!
Anyway... enough advertising for now. What do you say about me sharing a free pattern... or two? You'd like that? Well, stay tuned... I have a couple things up my sleeve!
Till next time!