Sunday, 7 August 2011

drama... drama... drama...

I'm not a fan of drama. Not referring to 'drama class' from highschool. I LOVE that kind of drama. I'm referring to issues between people that start up other issues and it snowballs so that everyone is affected and has to choose 'sides' and such.

I went away with my husband and two girls to visit my Dad and his girlfriend - no drama there thank GOD! Only to come home to not only 1 kind of drama but 2! There has been drama in my work-at-home-mom group as well as in my family. No details, sorry, I am not your source for gossip. But I'm just emotionally spent on this. I don't understand why people a) just can't be honest with eachother and b) have to turn their issues into a 3-ring circus.

Not to mention that baby #2 popped her first two teeth within this past week so she's been pretty misserable, especially in the evenings...

Probably something else making this all seem so much more frustrating is that I'm turning 29 this coming week and I'm not ready to get older... It will be my last year in the 20's, technically after Thursday I will be living in my 30th year. Man... time flies.

Life is short people so we should spend more time on honesty and integrity instead of lies and betrayal.

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