Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Halloween costumes - Part 2 - long overdue!!!

So... I'm a bit late... but I have a really good excuse. We bought a house! We have the inspection later this week, and as long as there are no more hiccups we will be moving the first week of February! Yay!

Anyway... onto the matter at hand. I did eventually finish our Halloween costumes. And, even though this post is very late, they were finished before Halloween, just in time for the party. The husband aka Marc Antony won best costume of all the men! 

Here are the finished costumes:

 Too tired to add detail, but I don't want to bore you either. If you have any questions about the construction, let me know and I'll try to explain it as best as I can.

Goodnight :)


  1. I love them. The soldier costume is excellent. I can only think how much fun it would be to have something like this for my DS. I just love costumes and children love to dress up all year long.

  2. Thanks Lori :) No idea what to do with either costume now though... not like we'll wear them again.
